Distributed by Blue & Cyan Electronic Publishing’s Pay&Play Software.
Pioneers in the Pay&Play Concept.
About the Ultimate Label Printer Pro
The Ultimate Label Printer Pro prints labels for Compact Disk jewel cases, as well as Zip, Audio Cassette, Jaz, SyJet, EZ Flyer and others on plain paper. Simply cut out the labels and fold them into your cases. Because the Ultimate Label Printer Pro uses a Plug-In technology, support for new media types can easily be added to match your exact needs.
The Ultimate Label Printer Pro supports different font, style, size, justification, and color control for the text on the front and back labels, as well as for the rotated text on those labels that require it. High resolution graphics can also be added to the labels, and can be scaled and repositioned. Version 5.1 now scans your disks to quickly create a directory listing.
The Ultimate Label Printer Pro is available for Mac OS, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.
Built In Help Available
To get help with any aspect of using the Ultimate Label Printer Pro, select “Help...” from the Apple Menu to see the help window and then choose the section you want to read. Also, refer to the file Frequently Asked Q&A for answers to commonly asked questions.
How To Register
To prevent the Ultimate Label Printer Pro from printing the UNREGISTERED notice and the ‘X’ on the labels, go to http://www.payplaysoftware.com/ where you can register and immediately receive a personalized registration code for just US $20. Since there is NO LIMIT to the number of Plug-Ins you can use, registering once allows you to take advantage of all of the new Plug-Ins that we are constantly developing.
- Visa/MC accepted on our Secure Server Payment Page -
You may also use the enclosed registration application to order by email or to send in your order via the postal service.
If you use our secure web server, your personalized registration code will be sent to you IMMEDIATELY upon receiving your registration information, so you can begin printing labels without any delay.
Site Licenses
Site licenses are available for $200 for an unlimited number of users within your organization. This license covers all locations for your organization within a 10 mile (16 kilometer) radius of your site. You can order a site license online using our secure server or with the register application included with this program. You will receive a single registration code for use by anyone in your organization.
Version History
5.1.2 Pro (November 10, 1998)
• Fixed the type 1 error on printing for all Hewlett Packard printers. The problem was related to the way the Ultimate Label Printer Pro places pictures transparently under text. Printing now works on all printers.
• Fixed another bug where the toolbar would not show up, even on Mac OS 8.5.
• Fixed a potentially fatal memory leak on printing that caused the program to eventually run out of memory after printing many (20+) labels.
• Fixed a clipboard corruption bug where the rotated text was replacing the clipboard text or completely erasing it.
• The New Label... dialog box now highlights the current label name under Mac OS 8.5.
5.1.1 Pro (October 17, 1998)
• Mac OS 8.5 Compatible.
• Added a graphical font menu.
• Completely rewrote the rotated text code to support multiple lines of rotated text.
• White rotated text now prints properly.
• Full Appearance Manager support.
• Fixed rare type 1 error on startup.
• Fixed incompatibility with some HP Printers, causing a type 1 error in some instances.
• Fixed potential font menu corruption.
• Added a “More Compatible Printing” preference for some printers.
• Internal sorting of Plug-In names uses far less memory.
• Many minor bug fixes.
5.1 Pro (April 20, 1998)
• Added a new “Directory Scanning” option to the file menu that inserts the contents of a folder or volume onto a label.
• Added support for double-clicking a label icon to create a new label in the “New Label” dialog box.
• The proper document name now appears in background print spoolers such as Apple’s PrintMonitor.
• The “Screen Resolution is Too Low” and “Insert Directory Text into Title Area” warnings can now be turned off by clicking on the “Never show this warning again” check box.
• Fixed an out of memory error on printing. This was causing some printers to print blank pages, especially the HP DeskJet 890 and 870, Epson Stylus Color, and the StyleWriter 4500 printers with PowerMac G3’s.
• Fixed unnecessary updates of the “Layout Tools” toolbar when it was dragged to a new location.
• Fixed bug where fonts would shrink on screen after printing with Adobe Type Manager installed.
• Text display should now more accurately portray the printed output.
• Updated the Plug-In collection that ships with the ULPP in the “Additional Plug-Ins” folder to include many of the new variations that have been requested by ULPP users.
• Other miscellaneous fixes.
5.0.2 Pro (January 28, 1998)
• Added backwards file compatibility with the CD Label Printer Pro version 4.1 and 4.1.1. To open an older file, make sure you have the "CD (Basic)" Plug-In installed, then simply open the file by choosing "Open..." from the file menu.
• Fixed bug that caused the "Type 2 Error" on opening the preferences on some older macs. AppendDITL was not properly loading "itcb' resources. This is a known (but undocumented) bug with the dialog manager that Apple has yet to fix.
• Fixed bug that caused the "Other Size..." dialog box to crash.
• Upgraded to version 1.5 of the Mercutio MDEF to fix potential crash.
• Rewrote the floating windows implementation for greater compatibility.
• Fixed some line drawing bugs that appeared with certain Plug-Ins.
5.0.1 Pro (December 14, 1997)
• Pictures now print properly on all printers.
• Changing the background color using the pop-up menu now marks a label as changed.
5.0 Pro (December 10, 1997)
• The Ultimate Label Printer Pro combines all of the programs in the old Label Printer Pro Series into one and has support for a virtually unlimited number of label formats using a Plug-In technology. For example, it now supports CD, Zip, SyQuest EZ Flyer, Magneto Optical, Audio Cassette, Jaz, SyJet, and DAT case labels, just to name a few.
• Added fully styled rotated text (with multiple sizes, fonts, attributes, and colors) for those labels that use it.
• Created a floating toolbar that vastly simplifies the interface. It is includes new background color options, as well as picture scaling/manipulation controls.
• Created a whole new interface in general. You now see the “outline” of the label that you are working with. There is no more need for a print preview. You can also type over the pictures in the label.
• It is now PowerPC native, making it up to 5 times faster in drawing/scaling images and using rotated text. Both 680x0 and PowerPC versions are available.
• Added support for Drag and Drop to add picture clippings (and PICT files), as well as Drag and Drop text insertion.
• The Help window is now non-modal, so you can have it open and still be working on a label.
• Added new preferences options.
• Menus now support the Mac OS 8 Appearance Manager and use the Mercutio MDEF 1.3.4.